The Why?

The Why? 


"I dare you to train for a marathon, and not have it change your life."

-Susan Sidoriak


One of the biggest questions I get as a runner and a runner of Marathons is, “Why do you run?” Any person who runs 26+ miles, must be crazy right? Well, I’m here to tell you, that’s not true. Yes, it takes a lot to run those 26.2 miles, but I believe ANYONE can do it if they put in the work and have a reason “why.” 


My name is Noah Bitney, and I’m an Eau Claire Marathon Ambassador and Committee Member. I’ve ran four Half Marathons and four Marathons since my running career began back in 2015. My very first race was the Eau Claire Half Marathon in 2015, and immediately after running that race, I knew I would have to run the full marathon someday! It took a few years, and another round at the Half Marathon, but I finally ran the Eau Claire Marathon in 2019, and my only regret was that I wish I had run it sooner. 


Every runner has a different answer to the question, “Why do you run?” A few examples would be: to be healthier, lose weight, clear their mind, career choice, done it since they were a kid, good at it, it’s easy (let me tell you they are liars), or simply put just because they love the way it makes them feel (runner’s high, it’s a real thing). 


Each person has their own reason, their “why” as I like to say. As a runner sometimes it takes a while to develop your “why” you run! For me it took several years and many lessons to find my “why.” First, I used to say that I ran because I was motivated. I was motivated, because I used running as a tool to help me lose weight, keep the weight off, and I wanted to see my potential  in running and where it could take me. 


Let me be the first to tell you that motivation can only get you so far when it comes to running and with anything in life. You need more than just pure motivation if you are going to succeed, and because motivation is a total mental game there will always be days where you have it and then days where you don’t. The lesson I’ve learned with motivation is that you can’t rely on it solely if you are going to achieve any goals that you set for yourself. Unfortunately for me, I relied on motivation a lot and that has been my biggest struggle with achieving my goals and aspirations in running. Since I’ve learned that valuable lesson, I have a completely different reason and mindset of “why” I run.  


Today, my “why” is that running is a part of who I am. I run because I like who I am when I’m consistently running, when I have a goal in mind and am actively chasing that goal.  It helps me be a better husband, father, boss, and all-around better human being. Running defines who I am, and I know that it will be a part of the rest of my life. I run because I am committed and determined to being my best self!


That is my “why,” and I hope someday it rubs off on someone else. I don’t run because I’m motivated or because I feel like it. My running is driven my passion for the sport and because I’m committed to bettering myself every time, I lace up my shoes. 


So . . . are you searching for your “why?” Have you been thinking of signing up for a Marathon or Half Marathon? Have you been thinking about it for a while? Has your running journey already begun, and you’ve been asking other runners about the distance? Or heck, have you even run a Half or Full Marathon but been debating running another? I’m here to tell you that NOW is the time to stop thinking about it, and just do it! Hit that register button and start that journey that will change your life . . . in more ways than one! 


Find your reason “why” and get out there, run, train, and I will see you on Race Day come April 30th-May 1st, 2022, at the Eau Claire Marathon Weekend! I look forward to cheering you on and hearing your “why!” 




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